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Landscape Digital Twin

We use a small drone to create a high resolution ‘Digital Twin’ of your property. This virtual 3D model can then be embedded on web pages and viewed by the public and prospective visitors. These models provide people with a real ‘senses of place’ when exploring the property and grounds online. When so much effort has been put into the upkeep of the house and grounds, what better way to show it off than from the air with a detailed 3D view. Pictures and videos can be embedded right into the model to provide a slick and comprehensive virtual tour experience.

Multiple layers can be added so viewers can toggle between models in different seasons.

Creating a digital twin of the landscape also allows you to preserve the physical features of a building or grounds for posterity. Preserve the physical look of a place for future archives, document rewilding and land use changes over time. Provide an easy way to showcase to stakeholders how the landscape looked both before and then after construction or rewilding projects. Provide a fun, interactive and unique asset for your website that shows off your landscape in a way that nobody will have seen before.

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